Cimarron Frontier Doodles

Welcome To Cimarron Frontier Doodles!

My name is Laura Chaffin, and I am a small breeder of Golden Doodles, Labradoodles, and Double Doodles. We often have medium size dogs (30 to 45 pounds) and occasional have the miniature size (20 to 30 lbs) as well. These dogs have wonderful, faithful, obedient, and family friendly temperaments. I enjoy this combination because it brings in more diverse retriever blood while still including the poodle blood lines.

I am a small breeder and do not have kennels. My dogs are well cared for, fed, and live with us in our house. Since I have just 3 females, I don't often have puppies. However when I do have puppies, I will have up to date photos and videos of the pups as they grow. I feed raw and home cooked food for my dogs, and I use NuVet and Nupro supplements. They are all up to date on heartworm prevention, and I also genetically test my dogs with OFA and through bloodwork.

Let me know if you are interested in future puppies.
"I pray that the Lord will bless and protect you,
and that He will show you mercy and kindness.
May the Lord be good to you
and give you peace " - Numbers 6:24

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March 4, 2020
March 2020 Litter - No Longer Available

Your interest is greatly appreciated. These puppies are no longer available. I am located in Stillwater, OK. Miniature Goldendoodle Puppies Available. Our most recent litter was a litter of 5bb petite Miniature Goldendoodle puppies. These puppies are no longer available for sale. These puppies are Descendants of my Foundation stock from 2001. Liebschen (OFA) and […]

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Foundation Parents


Heidi, a female Bernedoodle. I am hoping that she will be our future mom of miniature/ medium F1b Bernedoodle puppies. She is adorable and sweet.


Paisley is a miniature doodle weighing about 14 pounds. She is a reddish brown color. She is our mom for F3b mini doodle puppies Goldendoodle /Labradoodle lines. She had health testing done with Paw Prints Genetics testing 150 different diseases. Paisley is not at-risk for any of the diseases tested. And Paisley is not a carrier for any of the diseases tested. Patellas were tested with no luxation.


Wren is a red, third generation Goldendoodle/labradoodle. She weighs about 25 lbs. She has a mellow, sweet, and gentle temperament. Her mother is our Double Doodle, Wiggle II, and her father is our Goldendoodle, Ambrosias. Her grandmother is another of  our Goldendoodles, Bunny, and grandfather was our Moyen Poodle, Jacques. Her great grandmother was our English Golden Retriever, Liebschen.


Liebschen (Retired) has a beautiful, spun gold coat. She is willing to do anything you ask of her. And she absolutely loved being a mommy! Her hips score was good.


Wiggle (Left, retired), Bunny's daughter, looks like a miniature golden retriever and is a golden color. She is very submissive and obedient, as well as loving and affectionate. She has her CERF Certifications.

Bunny Annie Laurie

Bunny Annie Laurie (Retired), sister to Albert, is an F1 Golden Doodle, weighing 50 lbs. She is OFA Certified Excellent for hips and OFA cleared for cardiac, and has her CERF certification. She is from the Champion Gold Rush line of Golden Retrievers and has a wonderful, willing to please temperament.


Grigsby, a male miniature poodle. Hoping for Bernedoodle and goldendoodle puppies from him. Great temperament!


Wally is our male miniature poodle. He is a cream color and weighs about 10 pounds. Wally is the dad to our miniature doodle puppies. He is a sweet boy and loves attention. Wally has had genetic testing with Paw Print Genetics, testing for 150 diseases. Wally is not at-risk for any of the diseases tested. Wally is not a carrier for any of the diseases tested. He also has Patella certification with OFA.


Jacques is a small standard poodle we acquired in 2004. Together in 2005 he and Liebschen had Bunny Annie Laurie, the mother of our miniature goldendoodle puppies. His OFA hips score was excellent.

Winston Pooh Bear

Winston Pooh Bear is a miniature poodle. He sired Bunny's litter of goldendoodle puppies. He is a brown and white parti and weighs 13 pounds. He has a wonderful personality and has VWD, CBC, OFA good hips, and OFA good elbows, good knees. OFA cardiac, and CERF cleared. Excellent health results!


Here is Harley the miniature Australian Labradoodle. He is the father to Cubic Wiggle. He is a sweet, lovely little guy and comes from tested parentage.

Magnum Ops

This is Magnum Opus, a red moyen Poodle. He is Pinky's father. He has CERF Certification, Von Willebrand Disease cleared, good hips and elbows - OFA Certification. He is a very gently, sweet guy. He is 32 lbs.

Sir Fezick the Great

Above is the miniature poodle, Sir Fezick the Great. Sire of our first miniature goldendoodles and labradoodles.
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Contract and Guarantee
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Why Should You Buy From a Breeder?

Buying a puppy, or even an older dog from a breeder does not make you evil and against rescue. It makes you an individual, and even though rescuing a dog is seen as the true dog lover's way of acquisition, the fact remains that buying from a responsible breeder is a personal choice and not a reflection on a dog owner's morals. 

Responsible dog breeders do not cause pet overpopulation. Irresponsible dog owners do, whether they breed their dogs deliberately, or don't bother to neuter their dogs in the first place.

Researching and selecting a dog breeder after deciding on a purebred dog is a lot of work, but generally, pays off in the end. While no future is written in stone, a good breeder has done the work to ensure that his puppies are as free from disease and undesirable temperament traits as possible. Interacting with a breeder's dogs can give a fairly clear picture of how your dog will turn out in the future (providing you put in the effort to train him).
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Your purebred puppy, whether a pet or a show prospect, should include these things:
A pedigree of three generations or more
OFA certified hips and elbows (a score of "Good" or "Excellent" on both parents)
Eyes have been CERFed and free of genetic abnormalities
A guarantee that your dog is free from inheritable diseases and conditions, with replacement (not exchange) or refund terms, should something happen
Right of first refusal should you need to relinquish the dog for any reason
A healthy, well-socialized puppy who should adjust easily

My Story

I was wondering if you ever thought about spiritual things? Do you feel you have a moral responsibility toward God?

I would like to tell you my story. It actually started when I was in high school in Pennsylvania.

"When you go to college, you can be anyone you want to be because no one knows you." These words were spoken to me by my sister when I was a senior in high school. The words were like a life raft to me; thrown as an offering of hope and escape. You see, I wanted so desperately to be a different person; I hated myself. I was extremely shy. I didn't like my shyness. I hated cowering before people; stammering and trembling when I talked. I couldn't look into anyone's eyes. I hated being ugly. I couldn't bear to look in the mirror. I entertained thoughts of suicide but was afraid I would go to hell. I was frightened of the Devil! When I realized I couldn't kill myself, I began to feel a certainty that I would not live beyond age twenty-one. I decided I would die by then from despair and a broken heart. 

However, those words spoken by my sister gave me great hope! I determined that I would, in a sense, 'birth' another person upon arrival at college! In college I hung out with people I wanted to copy. I put on a facade and became a good actor.
Only, I found out that I still felt despair because the real me was still the same. I could, perhaps, fool others; but I could not fool myself. About that time I came to know a few people who were ...different. They had something about themselves that actually drew me to them. I found out what that something was: Jesus Christ.

They told me that they knew Him; actually had a relationship with Him. One friend explained to me his relationship with Jesus. Now, I want you to know, I thought that I was a Christian also. I went to church occasionally, though more so as a child. Anyway, this friend showed me that God loved me. The Bible says such beautiful words! I has no idea!
"This is Love! It is not that we loved God, but that He loved us." (I John 4:10a) He also shared that I could be forgiven. I knew what sin was. I knew I wasn't keeping the Ten Commandments. I knew I put myself before other people and God. But my friend shared a verse, " For God sent His Son to pay for our sins with His own blood."( I John 4:10b) I found out that when Jesus died on the cross, He took the sins of the world upon Himself. But He didn't stay dead of course. He rose again, alive! It was that day on campus that I told Jesus I believed that He died for me, and I was sorry for my sins. I invited Him to come and take control of my life. I prayed a simple prayer, but it changed my life. Jesus washed away my old person and made me brand new. He has not left me. He taught me how to love others, and how to live each day as He wants me to live. I have come out of that dark haze I was in and I am a new person. I find great comfort in a verse in Romans that says nothing can seperate us from the love of God. The lovely people who introduced me to my Savior invited me to church, and it was from meeting often with other Christians, and reading the Bible, and praying to Him, that I grew and am continuing to grow into the person I had always wanted to be; although I sure have a long way to go!

So that is my story. :-) I also invite you to think about how much God loves you and how much you need Him, whether you realize it or not. What if it's true? Thanks for listening!

Our Tragedy Of 2007

On May 9th of 2007, I was returning home from taking Beth to violin lessons when John, my husband, called me on the cell phone. He said that he got a call from the police. They said our house was on fire. I arrived at our house just a few minutes later. The police were there and as I drove by I screamed at them that we had dogs in the house! I got out and kept telling them I needed to get the dogs out. They said the house was on fire and no one could go in until the fire department got there.

Well the firemen got there and set up to fight the fire and I was going berserk, of course. They had to make sure that the gas tank in the back was not in danger of exploding and other safety precautions and it was like slow motion...
Finally they were able to go in after controlling the fire some and search for the dogs. Some of our dogs perished in the fire...

They were Wiggle, Charm, and three puppies. I am so sad.

Liebschen, Bunny, and Beau are all safe. And Beth and Liam and John and I are safe too. We were only gone 50 minutes. The house was destroyed. The fire started from some loose wires in an outlet in the kitchen which started smoldering behind the wall.
In Loving Memory >

Preferred Nutrition

I recommend Life's Abundance. They don't sell it in stores because they want to have control over how fresh it is. So you have to buy it online, just like the Barf Raw.

Actually it is kind of impressive how they make the food, they cook it so that the good enzymes aren't cooked out of it, so you get more value for your dollar. 

Anyway, if you don't think you could stick with the raw or if you would like to go half and half or just want to use kibble, try to use Life's Abundance.
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